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Principle: The site selected for a nuclear power plant is compatible with the off-site countermeasures that may be necessary to limit the effects of accidental releases of radioactive substances, and is expected to remain compatible with such measures. 333. Principle: Emergency plans are prepared before the start-up of the plant, and are exercised periodically to ensure that protection measures can be implemented in the event of an accident which results in, or has the potential for, significant releases of radioactive materials within and beyond the site boundary.

These include: • • • • Location of safety related structures, systems, and components (SSCs) plant grade, above 10-4/year probability of exceedence flood levels; Assuring other safety related SSCs will not be in the plane of rotation of rotating equipment capable of generating missiles; Elimination of the use of parapets and roof layouts, which permit the build-up of snow, rain and ice; Assuring that metal towers and stacks will not be susceptible to vortex shedding wind loads. ). Many of these designs may adopt new design approaches to address specific external events.

E. barge-mounted NPP 24 CATEGORY I. Natural Events considered in several plants II. Human induced events considered in several plants III. Additional external events NAMES OF NPP DESIGNS IN WHICH NUMBER CONSIDERATION OF SOME PART OF THE EE GROUP IS EXPLICITLY MENTIONED IN THE DATASHEET CONSIDERED OF RELEVANT NPPS Cyclones (hurricanes, tornadoes and tropical typhoons) APR1400, VVER 91/99, CAREM25, IRIS, ACR-700, PHWR-540, VK-300, ABWR-II, BN-800, AHWR, CHTR 11 Lightning EPR Finland, CAREM-25, IRIS, ACR-700, PHWR-540, SWR 1000, ABWR-II, AHWR, CHTR 9 Landslides and avalanches.

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