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By Alfred J. Moses
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CVJETICANIN and N . CVJETICANIN, Joint Establ. for Nuclear Research, Kjeller, JENER-54 (1958). 20. D . CVJETICANIN, Joint Establ. for Nuclear Research, JENER-57 (1958). Kjeller, 21. F . C L A N E T , ^ . , 6, 85 (1961). 22. E. LEDERER and M . , Else vier, Amsterdam, London, New York, Princeton, 1957. CHAPTER VI NUCLEAR METHODS IN Chapter II, the nuclear properties of actinides were discussed. The radioactive nature of actinides and their ability to undergo nuclear reactions, invite the analytical chemist to utilize nuclear methods of analysis.
2 U N I T PROCESSES FOR THE SEPARATION OF ACTINIDES Step Procedure Separation of Extraction hexavalent actinides Precipitation ( 1 ) 0 · 5 Μ Η Ν 0 3 , 2 M Mg(N0 3 ) 2 , ethyl ether ( 2 ) 0 · 1 Μ H N 0 3 , 3 M Ca(N0 3 ) 2 , hexone (3)pH 1-5, 3 M acetylacetone in hexone (1) 1 M C H 3 C 0 2 H , 0-5 M CH 3 C0 2 Na, 5 M N a N 0 3 , U + e carrier Joint separa- Extraction tion of tetraand hexavalent actinides Precipitation (1)8M (2) 1 M (3) pH (4) 2 M (1) pH H N 0 3 , ethyl ether H N 0 3 , 4 M Ca(N0 3 ) 2 , hexone ~ 4, 3 M acetylacetone in chloroform H N 0 3 , tributyl phosphate ~ 1, excess H 2 O a Separation of Extraction tetravalent actinides ( l ) p H 1-0, 1*5M cupferron in chloroform (2)pH 1-0, 0-1 M T T A in benzene (3)pH 2 0 , 2 M acetylacetone in benzene (only U and Pu) Precipitation ( 1 ) 0 · 2 Μ I03~, 3 M H + , Ce + 4 or Zr+ 4 carrier ( 2 ) 0 · 3 Μ H 3 P 0 4 , 3 M H+, Zr+ 4 or Bi+3 carrier (3) m-nitrobenzoic acid, p H ~ 3, T h + 4 carrier Joint separa- Precipitation (1) 1-3 M H F , 1 M H+, La+ 3 carrier tion of tri( 2 ) 0 1 M H 2 C 2 0 4 , I M H+, Ce+4 or Th+ 4 and tetracarrier valent Ion (1) Sorption on cation exchange resin, eluactinides Exchange tion with complexing agent Separation of No satisfactory process for the selective separation of trivalent trivalent actinides actinides 26 THE ACTINIDE ELEMENTS oxidation states of 4, 5 and 6.
H . A. BRIGHT and J. I. 2 n d E d . , J o h n Wiley, N e w Bur. Extraction Rev. , 9, 221 (1959). R . K U N I N , Anal. , 32, 67R (1960). K . A . KRAUS and F . NELSON, Proc. First. Int. Conf. on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, 1955, Vol. 17. J . P . FARRIS, Anal. , 32, 520 (1960). R. F . BUCHANAN and J. P . FARRIS, Proc. International Atomic Energy Agency, Copenhagen, September 1960, to be published. 11. L . R . B U N N E Y , N . E . B A L L O U , J . PASCUAL a n d S . F O T I , Anal. 13.