Download Application of Hyperthermia in the Treatment of Cancer by S. B. Field (auth.), Dr. med. Dipl. biochem. Rolf D. Issels, PDF
By S. B. Field (auth.), Dr. med. Dipl. biochem. Rolf D. Issels, Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Wilmanns (eds.)
Physicians, biologists and physicists current their contemporary paintings within the box of hyperthermia with reference to either its software and its mix with radiation and chemotherapy. present technical probabilities, medical administration and significant points of its use for superficial and deep-seated tumors are mentioned. the most issues mentioned are: alterations of metabolism and microcirculation below warmth stipulations, the organic interplay of warmth with X-rays and a number of other chemotherapeutic brokers, and the latest scientific info from varied associations at the mixed program within the remedy of cancer.
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1986). It is therefore likely that during hyperthermic treatment the pH of the tumour tissue decreases, although human data on this subject are lacking. There is, however, evidence that human tumour pH is lower than normal tissue pH. For reviews, see Thistlethwaite et al. (1985) and Wike-Hooley et al. (1984). The only data on human tumour pH during hyperthermia were obtained during whole-body hyperthermia (Van der Zee et al. 1983) and did not show a change in pH. Another point which is not yet explained is that during hyperthermic treatment there is a slight increase in tumour volume.
1985) and Wike-Hooley et al. (1984). The only data on human tumour pH during hyperthermia were obtained during whole-body hyperthermia (Van der Zee et al. 1983) and did not show a change in pH. Another point which is not yet explained is that during hyperthermic treatment there is a slight increase in tumour volume. An example of this is shown in Fig. 7. No explanation for this phenomenon has yet been offered, although several authors, including Vaupel et al. (1983) report the development of oedema in the tumour interstitium during hyperthermic treatment.
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