By Jan Schmidt

The current catalogue is the fourth and ultimate quantity in a chain that covers the Turkish manuscripts preserved in public libraries and museums within the Netherlands. This quantity offers special descriptions of Turkish manuscripts in minor Dutch collections, present in libraries and museums in Leiden, Utrecht, Groningen and different cities. [C:\Users\Microsoft\Documents\Calibre Library]

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Sample text

32 chapter four Hs. Cq 44 A letter A letter in French, 271×210mm, two pages of text, from ‘Méhéméd Ali [Pascha]’, ministre de la Marine, Grand Amiral de l’ Empire, to Anton Graf Prokesch von Osten (see the introduction to this chapter), dated 16 August 1858. In the letter the pasha thanks Von Prokesch for the ‘compliments’ received through Mr. le Bidard, and expresses his joy that his addressee had had a good journey and had arrived safe and sound [in Vienna]. (Vizier Meḥmed ʿAlī Paşa, d. 1285/1868, statesman and navy offifcer, was many times ḳapudan-i deryā, for the fourth time between 1271/1855 and 8 Muḥarrem 1275/18 August 1858, cf.

The last quire contains a diagram (13a) indicating the auspicious moments and ways for approaching the sultan, followed by a brief explanation (her kim bir pādişāh ḥużūrına varmaḳ dileyse anun̄ meclisini şöyle ki ẕikr olunur …); a double table with two explanations (13b–14a) for detecting the amiable or hostile disposition of a loved one by way of the numerical characteristics of that person’s name; a double astrological table showing the signs of the Zodiac for each hour of each day of the week as well as the inauspicious hours (sāʿāt-i şīb).

Above). Hs. Cq 42a–f Letters Five brief letters in French of varying format, from ‘Aali Pascha’ to Anton Graf Prokesch von Osten (see the introduction to this chapter). The latter was internuntius, later ambassador to the Porte, from 1855 onwards. ʿĀlī Meḥmed Emīn Paşa (d. 1288/1871), diplomat and statesman, was many times grand vizier and minister of foreign affairs (cf. SO2 I, pp, 269–270). The letters are of little historical importance, and mostly concern the banalities of diplomatic life such as the exchange of presents and visits—f proposes an audience with the Sultan in the company of Von Prokesch’s son [Anton, 1837–1919] and a travel companion.

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