Download Correspondance: Janvier 1973-Décembre 1978 (Volume 5) by Guy Debord PDF
By Guy Debord
« L'époque ne demande plus seulement de répondre vaguement à l. a. query "Que faire ?" [...] II s'agit maintenant, si l'on veut rester dans le courant, de répondre, presque chaque semaine, à los angeles query : "Que se passe-t-il ?" [...]
Le travail important qui me paraît à envisager maintenant - comme contraire complémentaire de l. a. Société du spectacle qui a décrit l'aliénation figée (et los angeles négociation qui y était implicite) -, c'est l. a. théorie de l'action historique. C'est faire avancer, dans son second qui est venu, los angeles théorie stratégique. À ce stade, et pour parler ici schématiquement, les théoriciens de base à reprendre et développer ne sont plus tant Hegel, Marx et Lautréamont que Thucydide-Machiavel-Clausewitz. »
On verra, pour ce faire, remark tout au lengthy de ces six années d'une correspondance riche en analyses et en projets divers - l'étroite collaboration qui s'est établie entre un éditeur et son auteur a rendu attainable cette nouvelle stratégie. C'est ainsi que, par los angeles voie du cinéma, Gérard Lebovici offrait à man Debord un champ plus vaste où il serait libre de s'exprimer. Trois movies seront réalisés durant cette période.
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Extra info for Correspondance: Janvier 1973-Décembre 1978 (Volume 5)
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Or BRIENNE " State of the king's scholars eligible from their age those ' action the best qualified to judge. which belonged to : to enter into the service or to pass to the school at Paris ; to wit M. de Buonaparte (Napoleon), born the 15th of August, 1769, in height tfeet, 10 inches, 10 lines (5 feet 6 inches English ;) has finished Aw fourth season ; of a good constitution, health excellent; charac- FROM HIS BIRTH TO THE SIEGE OF TOULON. " professor of history at Paris, boasted, that in a of the different list had predicted his pupil's subsequent career.
Land, where we find him described in Boswell's Life of Johnson as mingling in the literary society of the day. But on hearing of this decree, he immediately quitted London for Paris, was presented to the Constituent Assembly by La Fayette, and was received in the French capital with all the honors which the love of liberty could pay On to one of its most devoted and heroic defend- he was every where was appointed lieutenantgeneral in the French service, and commandant of the twentyIn 1792 Napoleon oatained leave of abthird military division.
Now see their country united to the finest monarchy Europe, they would feel satisfied, and no longer regret the blood they had shed for her independence. By accepting the protection rights, could in of Louis, they would secure all the privileges of French subjects, and have the commerce of the ports of Europe thrown open to But these arguments and excuses had little effect the " We are inand their leaders were alike deaf to them. people " there let us remain, and vincible in our mountains," they said They talk of the advantages we should laugh at our enemies.