Download Robert Fulton. Engineer and Inventor by Pam Rosenberg PDF
By Pam Rosenberg
Discusses the lifestyles and paintings of the inventor who built the steamboat and made it a advertisement good fortune.
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Extra info for Robert Fulton. Engineer and Inventor
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Kroll, Steve n, and Bill Farnsworth (illustrato r). Robert FuLton: From Submarine to Steamboat. New York: Holiday House, 1999. Pierce, Morris A. Robert FuLton and the DeveLopment of the Steamboat. New York: PowerKids Press, 200 3. Places to Visit or Contact Southern Lancaster County Historical Society To write for more information about the birthpLace of Robert Fulton Box 33 Quarryville, PA 17566 Hudson River Maritime Museum To Learn more about the history ofsteamboats in New York One Rondout Landing Kingston, NY 1240 1 845/338-0071 31 Ameri can Revolution, 9, 16 Andrews, Jeremiah, 8 Barlow, Joel, 12, 18, 25 Barlow, Ruth , 12, 18 Bonaparte, Na poleo n, 12- 13, 14, 15 Boulton , Wan & Company, 14,20 Bourne, W illi am, 16 Bushn ell , David , 16 canals, 10- 11 , 11 - 12 Clermont (steamboat), 24 Conestoga wago ns, 8 Li vingsto n, Walter, 24 locks, 11 Loui siana Purchase, 2 1 Louisiana Terri to ry, 2 1, 24 M iss iss ippi Ri ver, 24-25 mo no poly, 2 1, 26, 27 Nautilus (submarin e), 14, 15,20 New Orleans (sreamboar) 25 North River Steam Boat, 14, 24 nucl ea r submarines, 17 O hio Ri ve r, 24-25 Drebel, Co rnelius van, 16 Fitch, John , 19 Fo rfait, Pi erre, 14 Fulton, Abrah am (broth er), 7, 8 Fulton, Elizabeth (s ister), 7 Fulton J (stea m warship), 26, 27 Ful to n, Isabella (sister), 7 Fulto n, M ary (s ister), 7 Ful to n, Mary Smith (moth er), 7, 8 Ful to n, Ro bert, J r.
Inclined planes (in-KLINED PLANES) Inclin ed pl anes are simple machin es. It is eas ier to move heavy o bj ects up th e slo ped surface of an inclined plane than to try to li ft th em straight up . 30 A p atent is a legal d ocument. It gives th e in ve ntor of an item th e right to be the o nly person to m ake or sell the item. html Note to Parents, Teachers, and Librarians: W e rourinel y ve ri fy our W eb lin ks ro make sure rh ey're sate, acrive sires-so e ncourage yo ur read ers ro check rh e m o ur' Books Bowen, Andy Russell, and Lisa H arvey (illustrator).
They are co nfined apprentice (uh-PREN-tiss) monopoly (muh-NOP-eh-Iee) An apprentice is so m eo ne who learns a trad e by wo rking w ith som eone who is highly skilled . Rob ert Ful to n learn ed the skills of miniature painting and h air working by working as a jeweler's apprentIce . A mon opo ly means bein g the o nl y person o r co mp any that ca n sell a product o r se rvice. Fulton and Livingston h ad a monopoly o n steamboa t travel in the state of New York. areas with ga tes at each end.