By Rowland

content material: Thermal homes of water in restrictive geometries / F.H. Stillinger --
Solvation : a molecular dynamics research of a dipeptide in water / Martin Karplus and Peter J. Rossky --
The constitution of aqueous structures and the effect of electrolytes / Werner A.P. success --
Water and proteins : a few background and present views / John T. Edsall --
The water-polymer interface / Arthur W. Adamson --
Thermodynamic and similar stories of water interacting with proteins / John A. Rupley, P.-H. Yang, and Gordon Tollin --
The constitution of water in polymers / C.A.J. Hoeve / Water-protein interactions : nuclear magnetic resonance effects on hydrated lysozyme / Robert G. Bryant and William M. Shirley --
The dynamics of water-protein interactions : effects from measurements of nuclear magnetic leisure dispersion / Seymour H. Koenig --
Distribution of water in heterogeneous foodstuff and version platforms / P.J. Lillford, A.H. Clark, and D.V. Jones --
Modeling water-protein interactions in a protein crystal / Jan Hermans and Michelle Vacatello --
The selection of structural water by means of neutron protein crystallography / An research of the carbon monoxide myoglobin water constitution --
Benno P. Schoenborn and Jonathan C. Hanson / Density of elastin-water process / Mariastella Scandola and Giovanni Pezzin --
comparability of weight and effort adjustments within the absorption of water via collagen and keratin / M. Escoubes and M. Pineri --
New insights into the crystal constitution hydration of polysaccharides / T. Bluhm, Y. Deslandes, R.H. Marchessault, and P.R. Sundararajan --
dimension of certain (nonfreezing) water by means of differential scanning calorimetry / Subhash Deodhar and Philip Luner --
Water in mucopolysaccharides / Y. Ikada, M. Suzuki, and H. Iwata --
quantity alterations in the course of water binding to hair fibers / M. Breuer, Edmund M. Buras, Jr., and A. Fookson / leisure reviews of adsorbed water on porous glass : various temperature and pore dimension at consistent coverages / Georges Belfort and Naomi Sinai --
Solute permeation via hydrogel membranes : hydrophilic vs. Hydrophobic solutes / S.W. Kim, J.R. Cardinal, S. Wisniewski, and G.M. Zentner / Water binding in normal copolyoxamide membranes --
S. Grossman, D. Tirrell, and O. Vogl / Diffusion of water in rubbers --
E. Southern and A.G. Thomas / Hydration regulate of ion distribution in polystyrene sulfonate gels and resins --
Jacob A. Marinsky, M.M. Reddy, and R.S. Baldwin --
Fluid exudation and the load-deformation homes of articular cartilage in the course of compression / Harold Lipshitz --
Water in nylon / Howard W. Starkweather, Jr. --
Clustering of water in polymers / George L. Brown --
Water sorption and its influence on a polymer's dielectric habit / G.E. Johnson, H.E. Bair, S. Matsuoka, E.W. Anderson, and J.E. Scott --
Water absorption in acid nafion membranes / R. Duplessix, M. Escoubes, B. Rodmacq, F. Volino, E. Roche, A. Eisenberg, and M. Pineri --
Water absorption in neutralized Nafion membranes / B. Rodmacq, J.M. Coey, M. Escoubes, E. Roche, R. Duplessix, A. Eisenberg, and M. Pineri --
The interactions of water with epoxy resins / P. Moy and F.E. Karasz --
Glass transition temperature of rainy fibers : its size and value / John F. Fuzek --
influence of moisture on fatigue crack propagation in nylon sixty six / P.E. Bretz, R.W. Hertzberg, J.A. Manson, and A. Ramirez --
The effect of water focus at the mechanical and rheo-optical homes of poly(methyl methacrylate) / R.S. Moore and J.R. Flick --
Water-epoxy interactions in 3 epoxy resins and their composites / Joyce L. Illinger and Nathaniel S. Schneider.

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The boundary between "makers" and "breakers" depends i n p a r t on t h e s o l u t i o n Τ (2k), h. The p o s i t i o n i n t h i s s e r i e s i s determined mainly by t h e a n i o n s ; c a t i o n s p l a y a secondary order r o l e . Commentary : 1. The Hofmeister i o n s e r i e s gives t h e o r d e r : i n which changes occur i n water s t r u c t u r e . The p o s i t i o n s i n t h i s s e r i e s denote s p e c i f i c e f f e c t s , one parameter b e i n g t h e i o n s i z e Ci)2.

Magn. Reson. , 1967,3,159. ; Karplus, M. J . Am. Chem. , 1979, 101, 1913. ; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980. 3 T h e S t r u c t u r e of A q u e o u s S y s t e m s a n d the Influence o f Electrolytes WERNER A. P. LUCK Institut Physikalische Chemie, Universität Marburg, D-3550 Marburg, Federal Republic of Germany One of the most important questions in applied chemistry is the structure of water in solution Progress in modern experimenta tion of spectra, opens opportunities for useful information and models.

The S T m e l t i n g p o i n t o f t h i s g e l i n D^O i s about 3 . 8 h i g h e r than i n H^Q, a d i f f e r e n c e s i m i l a r t o that o f the m e l t i n e p o i n t s o f D 0/ 2 H^O. This c o u l d be d e s c r i b e d h e u r i s t i c l y : D^O has an H-bond s t r e n g t h a t Τ l i k e H 0 a t T - 3 . 8 ; thus i t s " T 0 2 s t r " i s T - 3 . 8 ? This r e l a t i o n can be a p p l i e d (10) t o o f o r the m e l t i n g temperature o f RNA-ase ( E . C o l i ) (^3,3^); o r some b a c t e r i a are d e a c t i v a t e d i n D^O a t high Τ i n a manner s i m i l a r t o t h a t i n H^O some degress c o o l e r ( 1 0 , 3 5 ) · The anomalou s m a l l contents o f s o l u t e d e s c r i b e d as f i x a t i o n o f the f l i c k e r i n g mechanism o f the H-bond system o f water, which i s assumed i n time i n t e r v a l s o f the r e l a x ­ a t i o n time o f water o f about 10 sec.

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