Download Logic and the Imperial Stoa (Philosophia Antiqua) by Professor of Ancient Philosophy Jonathan Barnes PDF
By Professor of Ancient Philosophy Jonathan Barnes
The most argument of this paintings, opposite to the present orthodoxy, is that the research of common sense was once an essential - and a favored - a part of stoic philosophy within the early imperial interval. The argument is based totally on special analyses of certian texts within the "Discourses" of Epictetus.
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76 Hirzel (1895) 513 n. 2. 22 M. GRIFFIN more popular and less learned than the Lucullus, and that the speaker Catulus in particular had concentrated on the history of philosophy. 77 Reid, while ignoring the order of names in Att. 1 (Tl4), also concluded from Att. 3 (Tl9) that Brutus replaced Lucullus. Unlike Hirzel, however, he suggested that Cato assumed the role of Hortensius as the defender of Antiochus in the Catulus and presented a general dogmatist view 'such as any cultivated man might sustain who had not definitely committed himself to sceptical principles'.
Occurrunt mihi quaedam. sed ea coram. l intexo, faciamque id crebrius. proximis enim tuis litteris primum te id non nolle cognovi. 6/7 July Cicero travelled to Tusculum from Arpinum. 10 July Att. 23-4 (SB 331-2) expresses anxiety about presenting the Academica to Varro. 12 July Tl9 Att. 3 (SB 333): Sed quid est tandem quod perhorrescas quia tuo periculo iubeam libros dari Varroni? etiam nunc si dubitas, fac ut sciamus. nihil est enim elegantius. volo Varronem, praesertim cum ille desideret; sed est, ut scis, 'oetvo~ &viJp· taxa KEV Kilt avaittov aitt6cpto'.
V cruv'ta~tv totam ad Varronem traduximus. primo fuit Catuli, Luculli, Hortensi; deinde quia napa 'tO npEnov videbatur, quod erat hominibus nota non ilia quidem tinatOEucr{a sed in his rebus a'tpl'llft