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By United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment
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Enrichment process developments that make it impractical to modify the process to produce weapons-useable enrichments either through increased probability for detection or via inherent features that would make the process or facility incapable of reaching higher enrichments. - - - - - 2. Spent fuel repository R&D: to address the security and relative proliferation resistance of repositories many decades ahead. In the shorter term, R&D is needed to establish the standards and scientific basis for regional and international repositories.
Back-end of the fuel cycle The handling, processing and disposition of used nuclear fuel after its discharge from a reactor, in some cases leading to re-fabrication into new fuel elements, and in all cases including the ultimate disposition of the high level radioactive wastes. Reprocessing, where practiced, is part of the back-end of the fuel cycle. Burnup The thermal energy produced in a nuclear reactor by a given mass of uranium, plutonium, uranium-thorium mixture, or other fissile material combination.
Improved, lower cost surveillance and international/regional Safeguards interaction • Research to determine the most effective report avenues for violations/questions, such as facility data reporting into a multinational center and a means to provide best access to critical data by inspectors or monitoring efforts. • Utilization of discrete event formalisms to enhance international safeguards agreements. A3-2 H. Measures to Improve National MPC&A Systems The following list of major attributes for a durable national MPC&A system are listed below in relative order of priority: • Improve assay technology to reduce uncertainties in materials accounting.