By Stefan Wul

Que sont devenus les hommes ? Les survivants du grand cataclysme ont été recueillis par les draags, géants bleus aux yeux rouges, qui les ont emmenés sur leur planète, où le temps s'écoule beaucoup plus lentement que sur los angeles Terre. Asservis, domestiqués, ils sont devenus des oms, des êtres dégénérés au provider de leurs nouveaux maîtres. Mais peu à peu, menés par le jeune Terr, petit om d'une intelligence supérieure, ils retrouveront le goût de l. a. liberté et affirmeront leur humanité face aux draags. Sous le titre los angeles planète sauvage, Oms en série a été porté à l'écran en 1973 par René Laloux sur des dessins de Roland Topor.

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Another found a crumb of hope. " "No. " Several people drew back a step. It was all too easy to imagine the Lord of Darkness returning at any moment and with a single gesture sweeping them all out of existence. " the officer shouted hoarsely. " And with that he rose to his feet, having found what he had been groping for in the dust, a small object and inconspicuous. With the sound of a sob in his throat, he hastened to wrap his right hand in a fragment of cloth, torn from his own tattered uniform.

And I can move. " He nodded. If Uncle Humbert thought that Jeremy was slacking on the job he would yell at him but was unlikely to try to impose any penalty. Generally Jeremy worked hard for most of his waking hours—because working was about the only way to keep from thinking about other things, topics that continually plagued him. Such as dead parents, live girls who sometimes could be seen with no clothes on, and a life that had no future, only an endless path down which he walked, pushing a loaded barrow.

THREE Again, as Jeremy hurried about his work, he had the sensation of being watched. But he saw and heard nothing to support the feeling. Everyone in the village was busy as usual, preoccupied with work, the busy harvesttime of midsummer—Uncle Humbert had explained how the variously mutated varieties of grapes came to maturity in sequence and disasters might befall them unless they were tended and harvested in exactly the right way. The ruts in the village's only street still held puddles from last week's rain.

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