Download Wooden Puzzles: 31 Favorite Projects Patterns by Editors of Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts PDF
By Editors of Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts
Сборник самых популярных конструкций от Scroll observed Woodworking Crafts journal, это авторитетное руководство предлагает 28 творческих и красочных моделей для изготовления головоломок. Вы найдете проекты с темами от животных до религии, в том числекошки, Иона и кит, мохнатый мамонт. Каждый проект имеет содержит цветную фотографию готового изделия, узор, и подробную, шаг за шагом инструкцию для легкой работы.
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Sample text
5 sts MC, work 5 de. 5 sts Round 2: (2de into each de) ,-ep Round 2: 2dc into each st ( 10 sts); around I 0 sts ch I , tum. Making up 2 Stitches Yarn MC 5 C 10 (inc 5) C Round 3: (2de in next dc, dc in next Attach eyes between rounds I I and 4 de); rep ( 13 sts); eh I, tum. 12. approx 10 sts apart. Join beak Round 4: (2dc in next dc, dc in next Round 4: (2de in next dc, dc in next sections and attach to head. Attach 2 de) rep aro und. 20 sts 3 de); rep 3 t imes, 2de in last de. 17 sts crown pieces t o head and stuff head.
12 stS rep around. 24 sts Edging: Work (2ch, de into next st) Round 21: Dc around. 24 sts x 7 to form a decorat ive edge. Round 22: (de in next 4 dc, de2tog) rep around. 20 sts Round AM IGURUMI Yarn MC 4 B 2 8 (inc 4) B 3 12 (inc 4) B Round 23: (de in next 3 de. de2tog) re p aro und . 16 sts Stitches Top fin Round I: Using B and MC. work 5 de. 5 sts Round 2: 2dc into each st I 0 sts Round 3: I ch, turn (de in neXl: 2 dc , 2dc in next d e) rep 4 times. 12 sts Round 4: (2ch, de in next dc) rep 12 t imes.
18 sts 'I Change to C Round 3: (2dc in next de, de in next 13 Round I: Using C and MC work 5 de. -,_ __ I A I - I. ' _ Cockpit Round I: Using C and MC work 6 de. 6 sts Round 2: 2dc into each st 12 sts Round 5: (2de in next de, de in next Round 3: (2dc In next dc, de in next 5 de) rep aro und. 28 sts de) rep aro und . 18 sts Rounds 6-B: Dc around. 28 sts Main tailtin Rounds 4-5: De around 18 sts Change to C. Round I: Using A and MC, work 6 de. Change to B. Round 9: Dc around. 28 sts 6 sts Round 6: Dc around.