By S. Glasstone, P. Dolan [website capture]

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However, at the same time, there is an increase in the rate at which the cloud rises. Similarly for a weapon of lower energy, the effective distance is less, but so also is the rate of ascent of the cloud. The period over which the initial nuclear radiation extends may consequently be taken to be approximately the same, namely, 1 minute, irrespective of the energy release of the explosion. 69. Alpha particles (helium nuclei) are also formed, but they do not travel very far from the explosion. Some of the neutrons will escapebut others will be captured by the various nuclei present in the exploding weapon.

SELDON, R. , "An Introduction to Fission Explosions," University of California, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, July 1%9, UCID-15554. SMYTH, H. , "Atomic Energy for Military Purposes," Princeton University Press, 1945. WEAVER, L. , P. O. STROM, and P. A. S. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, March 1%3, USNRDL-TR-633. 'It is sometimes referred to as the "prompt thermal radiation" within a few seconds of the explosion is significant as a hazard. c,",[c~ because only that which is received The Effects of Nuclear Weapons Compiled and edited by Samuel Glasstone and Philip J.

02 The descriptions of explosions at very high altitudes as well as those in the air nearer to the ground refer mainly to nuclear devices with energies in the vicinity of I-megaton TNT equivalent. For underwater bursts, the information is based on the detonations of a few weapons with roughly 20 to 30 kilotons of TNT energy in shallow and moderately deep, and deep water. Indications will be given of the results to be expected for explosions of other yields. As a general rule, however, the basic phenomena for a burst in a particular environment are not greatly dependent upon the energy of the explosion.

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