By J. H. Simons

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CHEN ω-fluoro compounds containing odd- or even-numbered carbon chains. H i g h toxicity paralleled high citrate concentrations in the kidneys of mice. (See T a b l e X I , p . ) Comparing c o m p o u n d s having the same functional group, those having an even-numbered carbon chain are appreciably m o r e toxic t h a n those having an odd n u m b e r of carbons. T h e even c o m p o u n d s cause a pronounced accumulation of citric acid whereas the o d d do not. I n fact, the citric acid levels after administration of odd c o m p o u n d s fall in t h e normal range.

Additional references are as follows: Pattison (1957) a n d Walker a n d Parker (1958). 1 Phosphofluoridates T h e biological effects of certain fluorophosphates recorded by L a n g e and Kreuger in 1932 were exploited in t h e search for new chemical war­ fare agents during W o r l d W a r I I ( M c C o m b i e a n d Saunders, 1946 b ; 1 W e a r e grateful t o D r s . M c G e h e e H a r v e y a n d D a v i d G r o b of t h e J o h n s H o p k i n s M e d i c a l S c h o o l , a n d t o C o l o n e l M i l l a r d Bayliss a n d colleagues, A r m y C h e m i c a l C e n t e r , for c o m m e n t s a n d s u g g e s t i o n s w h i c h h a v e b e e n i n c o r p o r a t e d i n t o t h i s s e c t i o n .

1958), M c G a v a c k and Seegers (1958), Mills et al. (1959), M u n r o (1958), Nayler (1957), Oliveto et al. (1958 a, b , c), Poutsiaka et al. (1957), Ringold et al. (1958), Rosemberg and Dorfman (1958), Sala and Baldratti (1957), Schreier et al. (1958), Schriefers and K o r u s (1958), Segaloff et al. (1958), Selye and Bois (1956), Shewell (1957), Silber and M o r g a n (1956), Singer and Borman (1956), Spero et al. (1956, 1957), Sturtevant et al. (1957), Sulzberger (1955), Swingle (1955), Swingle et al.

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