By H. Smith

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1 9 6 9 ) . H. (1970). Planta, 88, Meded. Landbouwhogesch. E. P. Spruit LINSCHITZ, H. and 58, 1059 KASCHE, 43 v. (1967). Proc. Nat Acad. Sci. L. W. (1966). /. Biol. A. R. (1970). E. (1966). E. L. (1971). s. R. (1972). H. L. (1968). Photochem. P. (1966a). 67. Ed. B. C. P. (1966b). Meded. Landbouwhogesch. P. (1966c). Biochim. Biophys. P. (1966d). Biochim. Biophys. P. (1971). Meded. Landbouwhogesch. P. E. (1973). Photochem. E. J. (1975). M. R. (1969). M. R. (1973). Photochem. R. K. ( 1 9 7 3 ) .

4), which is based on in vivo spectroscopic measurements, as well as on the analy­ sis of phytochrome-receptor interactions after irradiations performed in vivo, allows one to explain the regulation under induction and HIR conditions. One has to predict a regulation by two distinct effector elements. The PfrX pool, which is a transient pool and is irradiance and wavelength dependent, is the effector element under HIR conditions. Under induction conditions, the regulation will be from the PfrX; pool.

With mixed red and far-red light), intermediates between Pr and Pfr accumulate. A limitation, inherent in their technique, is that the actinic light used to maintain the intermediates has to be strictly separated from the beams measuring the absorption changes. E. P. Spruit 33 Everett and Briggs, 1970; Gardner and Briggs, 1974), complementary wavelength regions were used for the actinic and measuring beams. A cut-off filter in front of the photomultiplier prevented interference by the high-intensity actinic light.

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