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By J.X. Boucherle, J. Flouquet and C. Lacroix (Eds.)
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42 K. V. (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division) U. Welp et al. e. almost equal to the Wilson ratio for a spin 1/2 particle carrying a magnetic moment of one Bohr magneton. In this sense CePb 3 behaves as a nonmagnetic heavy fermion system. On the contrary, for the archetype magnetic Kondo lattice one finds a huge value of χ/y since the magnetic ordering quenches the renormalization of γ (see for in stance ref. [6]). Clearly in CePb 3 a significant part of the f-electrons does not contribute to the sublattice magnetization.
However, at higher tem perature ( T = 5 K) a small quasielastic magnetic contribution can be seen. These inelastic experiments allow us to conclude that there is no CEF levels between 10 and 1000 K. Therefore in CeMo 6 S 8 , the CEF splitting of the J = 5/2 ground state multiplet of Ce 3 + is unusually large explaining why there is no departure from a linear law of χΤ up to 400 K. 6 K, using a multidetector diffractometer installed in the Siloe reactor. Quite surprisingly no superlattice mag netic peak has been detected.
Takeshige, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 52 (1985) 1. R. Cooper, R. Siemann, D. Yang, P. Thayamballi and A. Banerjea, in: Handbook on the Physics and Chem istry of the Actinides, vol. 2, eds. J. H. Lander (North-Holland, Amsterdam 1985) p. 435. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 63 & 64 (1987) 37-39 North-Holland, Amsterdam 37 CeCu 5 : ANOTHER KONDO LATTICE SHOWING MAGNETIC ORDER E. BAUER, E. G R A T Z and C. SCHMITZER Institute of Experimental Physics, Technical University Vienna, Austria The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity, thermal conductivity, thermopower and specific heat of CeCu5 will be presented.